Like any social media platform, there are best practices, tips, tricks and strategies to maximize your success on Twitter. There are obvious benefits to marketing campaigns and general client interaction, but lately Twitter has been gaining traction in B2B.
Ken Krogue at Forbes Magazine lists 31 best practices for businesses using Twitter, presented as an easy-to-use daily strategy that anyone can follow. Definitely worth checking out.
Here's our top 11 tidbits of advice to creating a strong and effective presence on Twitter.
1) Use hashtags to connect with relevant demographics and customers.
2) Add potential customers to a private “potential customers” list and interact with them regularly.
3) Add people to a public list with a positive name like “great people” to give them a compliment and encourage them to view your page.
4) Feel free to post the same update, multiple times, under different wording. Spread it out over the week and you’ll connect with much more of your followers.
5) Selectively follow and unfollow people to build your network slowly. You want to someday have a positive ratio of followers to followees but you need to start somewhere.
6) Cross post from other networks to Twitter. LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, are all great to cross post from.
7) Photos get much more engagement than standard text posts - include them as often as you can.
8) Use Daily Gimmicks to create expectation with your followers. Find a few things to do every week and do them consistently.
9) Use or a similar service to help monitor non-directed Twitter communication about your brand.
10) Use Buffer’s feed functions to keep your stream full of great content. Make sure you add your own touch to each post.
11) Hootsuite is the ideal tool for large amounts of interaction and managing multiple accounts.