How Hellbent Crew used “Free Gift with Purchase” display banners on Privy to increase MoM sales by 1170%

by Brandon Clark on April 2 2020

Problem: Hellbent Crew is a horror-inspired, garage-built motorcycle apparel company based out of Dallas, Texas. Prior to our agency/client collaboration, Hellbent had built an extremely engaged community with established brand recognition. However, during our strategy phase, we discovered a BIG opportunity for improvement — increase the online store conversion rate. From the data we were able to conclude that many of their site visitors were adding to cart but fell off at the checkout stage. In comes Privy....

Solution: As eCommerce marketers, we know that acquisition costs need to be as close to break even or better. In other words, if we are investing in website traffic (through ads, organic, and/or affiliates), the way to offset our traffic costs is to convert first-time buyers. At the forefront of our marketing strategy needs to be enticing new visitors to commit to a first-time purchase.

With this in mind, we implemented a Privy “Free Gift with Purchase” display banner promotion in January 2020. Here’s how it worked: when any website visitor added any item to cart, a Privy display banner popped up offering a free limited edition Hellbent lapel pin as a gift with their purchase. We know that users adding items to cart have a high interest and desire to at least explore the product further, so understanding this, we offered an incentive to solidify their commitment to buy, today.

We used this “premium offer” (AKA gift with purchase) to convert both eager first-time buyers, as well as the customers who were on the fence.

Results: The outcome of this Privy implementation speaks for itself! Month over month, we were able to increase the total amount of orders by 392% and total online revenue by 1170% (yes, that's a real number)!

During the campaign, we created and deployed targeted Google and Facebook ads to drive more traffic to the site, which oftentimes results in a decreased conversion rate. In this campaign, we saw the opposite — a 30% increase in conversion rate! And, importantly, the returning customer rate dropped by 65%, indicating this promotion was incredibly effective at converting first-time buyers. This campaign was so successful, in fact, that they completely ran out of the pins!

As we continue to work with this client, we will test, iterate and continue to scale Hellbent Crew with help from our good friends at Privy.

For those who are interested in getting started with Privy - there is no time like the present. Both the partner team and the support team were incredibly helpful throughout the entire implementation process. Here’s to better conversions in 2020!

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