The Social Lite Sanctuary

by Scott Cunningham on February 23 2015

The team at Social Lite Communications admittedly spends a lot of time at work - you could call us borderline workaholics most days! Our workflow involves creativity and inspiration, so it's no surprise that these same qualities are apparent in our space. Here's a glimpse into the Social Lite Sanctuary, our home away from home.

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We work in a shared space with other small, like-minded businesses. Our office is a hub of creative activity, and we often collaborate and jam on ideas together. Sunlight pours through our hallways and our doors are always open!

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The Social Lite Sanctuary is filled with things that we love. We have the happiest plants as our office is so bright! With the constant hum of electronics, we spice up our space with a beautiful collection of planets, minerals, and crystals.

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No sanctuary is complete without an aromatherapy diffuser. Our custom-made "Social Lite Blend" includes rosemary, juniper and bergamot.

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Feeling energized and motivated are important qualities in any space, especially where you spend the majority of your days. At Social Lite Communications, we have this covered.

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