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Please fill out this short questionnaire, and one of Social Lite's top performers will reach out to schedule your strategy call.




WHAT TO EXPECT. Whether your store is just starting to gain traction, or you are ramping up to scale and compete, we will start with an audit of your current sales and marketing strategy to identify opportunities for growth.   

10-minute dive into your business to understand where you are at, where you want to go, and what's preventing you from getting there. 

10- minute review of  your Customer Journey to map out your ascension path and optimize your customer lifetime value.

 10-minute review of how to calculate your target profitability versus ad spend.

• 10-minute strategy and app suggestion. Based on our assessment,  we will provide you with a tailored recommendation on how to get to the next level.



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(Any of this sound familiar?)

• Have you experienced some success online at times during the year, but you cannot seem to break through to that next level or build consistent returns?

• Are you too busy buying, sourcing, selling, designing, distributing to focus on growing your online eCommerce and want someone else to handle it?

• Have you had a bad experience with a marketing agency or digital ad spend that did not live up to your expectations in terms of a return on investment for your marketing dollars?

Sustainable eCommerce growth is only possible if you build a place where customers like returning and repurchasing. You need to find and convert good customers, upsell, resell and ultimately increase your AOV and CLV. 

On our call, we will walk you through three of the top performing strategies for:

- Email Marketing

- Facebook Ads

-And crafting an irresistible offer

Step 1: First, research and understand your customer avatar inside and out.

Step 2: Next, map the 8 stages of your avatar’s customer journey to plan how you will attract, convert, upsell, resell, and ultimately increase your AOV and LTV.

Step 3: Calculate your advertising spend vs profitability to ensure you’re on the right track. You’ll need to understand your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS), your margins, a few other key items, and ultimately how much you need to spend to scale your profits.
 advertising calculator

If you are at the stage of your business where you would like to take things to the next level, I would like to show you how we did it, and how you can apply it to your business today. 

Ready to methodically scale? Join us for a Shopify strategy session, where we will walk you through our complete proven playbook for scaling eCommerce revenue. We will review top performing strategies, the campaign profitability calculator, and we will take a dive into your current marketing challenges, successes, and goals.   


I look forward to learning more about your business, and I will see you soon!

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