
Website and Ecommerce Design

Websites to grow your business.

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Websites That Convert

Edmonton: We make websites that are scientifically engineered to get you more leads, more customers, and more sales.

We’ve done it again and again. Take two minutes to find out how we can do it for you.

Edmonton Web Design Experts In Website Design DIgital Marketing Mobile Inbound Website Leads

Edmonton Website Design That Converts

You likely already have a website. People can Google the name of your company and find your address.

They can view your products or services. They can probably even fill out a form to request a quote from you.

But how many leads come through this form? A few per year? One a month?

Why not get multiple hot leads per DAY flowing into your inbox. Leads that are ready to set a meeting, or just… make a purchase?

This is what we do for companies everyday at Social Lite.

What’s our secret?

I’ll try not to beat around the bush. We’re MARKETERS.

Though we have the absolute best developers, photographers, designers, and  copywriters, our team only has one thing on their minds: turning website visitors into paying customers.

Every single person at Social Lite is extensively trained in conversion science. 

Even our administrator, Sheri, knows a thing or two about marketing funnels.

Don’t get me wrong. We hold design, video, and social media in high esteem – but these are all tools that help us achieve our goal of gaining new customers and getting existing customers to return with cash in hand.

Take a look at some of our creative work if you don’t believe me.


Edmonton Website Prices Web Design User Experience Optimized Digital Engagement

Case Studies

Here are a few examples of Edmonton websites we’ve designed

Mac James Motors

Web Design Edmonton Mobile Responsive SEO ready websites Edmonton Case Study

Adored Beast Pet Apothecary




ecommerce websites

Edmonton: We make eCommerce websites that are scientifically engineered to make you money.

We’ve done it again and again. Take two minutes to find out how we can do it for you.


eCommerce Websites That Convert

Do you have a great product or software that you’re just dying for the world to see, but don’t have the time or know-how to get it online and in the right peoples’ hands?

If yes, you’re in the right place.

Creating ecommerce websites requires a completely different methodology than a regular brochure style site, or even a lead generating website for B2B businesses.

To be honest, this is where Social Lite truly shines.

We can help you create your entire marketing and sales cycles – not just a pretty product page.

But I would be doing a disservice to everyone at Social Lite if I didn’t talk about what we are even more exceptional at:

Building and obtaining customers for eCommerce businesses.

If you are – or are planning on – selling products online, there is nothing more important than having a website that CONVERTS.

Not only that, you need to be able to up-sell at checkout, increase revenue per visit, and most importantly…

Have a customer base of advocates that frequent your site to purchase your products.

Here at Social Lite, we are Shopify Experts.

It’s an actual designation.

We earned it.

I won’t go into how awesome Shopify is – because you’ve likely heard by now – but I want you to know that it’s not the be-all-end-all answer to getting rich on the internet.

If you’re not using Amazon in your eCommerce endeavours, you’re missing out big time.

Well here’s Social Lite, again with the save. We have experience selling products on Amazon – from small retailers, to enterprise level vendors that do hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in sales.



Website Tools

Here are a few of the tools we use to get the job done.

Content Management Systems:






Additional Tools:





