To Boost or Not to Boost? 4 Tips for Using Facebook Boosts Effectively

by Ivana Radojevic on August 10 2015

Facebook currently has 1.49 billion active monthly users, but the social media behemoth has become about more than just baby photos, engagement announcements and status updates about how #blessed your friends are. Regardless of whom you’re targeting, chances are, they’re on Facebook.

Increasingly, businesses are using Facebook to connect with existing and potential customers, yet where some businesses succeed with their online marketing efforts, others miss the mark.

You may be generating great content and have a one-of-a-kind product, but if no one sees your content or knows about your business, attracting customers can be a difficult task. With the decline in organic reach, your page’s content is less visible on newsfeeds, which translates into less engagement and fewer conversions.

This is where boosted posts can come in handy. A boosted post is an existing post on a user's Facebook page that is boosted using advertising dollars and promoted to specific audiences.

Successful boosts have four things in common:

1) They’re visual.

2) They’re relevant to your demographic.

3) They typically include an enticing value proposition.

4) They have a clear call-to-action.

5) Bonus: Users can see how many of their friends have already liked the page, which makes them more likely to like the page themselves.

So, how do you boost your content without becoming that annoying business on Facebook being un-liked at an alarming rate?

The answer lies in strategic moderation, and we’re here to help you strike the perfect balance with these 4 tips on becoming a boosting pro.

1) Facebook has targeting options for boosting to specific audiences, which means that you can boost to users with different interests so you’re not repeatedly targeting the same consumer segment. You can even target audiences similar to yours. With a little research into your target audience, your options are quite literally endless.

Facebook Targeting Options

2) Target content toward users who have visited your website, signed up for your email list or used your mobile app if you have one. You can even customize your audience and exclude people who have already liked your page.

Facebook Boosts

3) Not every post is worthy of being boosted. Spend your advertising dollars wisely by boosting posts with high impact. This could include popular blog posts and images (of a product that has done well in sales, for example), free webinars and eBooks, special offers and events, or new product launches. In these cases, it might be worth spending $30 to $50 to make sure that your business-worthy content is seen by 10,000 instead of 1,000 people.

Social Lite Boost

4) Monitor how your boosts are doing using Facebook Ads Manager. You can run detailed reports and keep an eye on performance to help you tailor the timing, frequency and target audience of future boosts.

Remember, your page is competing for attention on users' newsfeeds, but it doesn’t have to go unnoticed. Follow these simple tips and you’ll boost your way to the top without losing fans along the way.
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