Put on a show using Show Marketing

Don't be afraid to approach influencers
In the B2B business? Get on Instagram
Video is the new black
- Behind-the-scenes footage. Why? Because consumers like getting an inside look at what happens behind the scenes of your business.
- Short Q&A sessions or interviews. Consider hosting a Q&A session with your CEO or conducting short interviews with professionals in your industry.
- Putting on an event? Stream it. Let your audience be a part of your event from anywhere in the world.
- "Best of" you name it. Create a video to showcase what your brand is about. Check out the "GoPro: Best of 2015 – The Year in Review" video below for inspiration.
Practice the triple threat: curation, optimization, and aesthetic
Good content curation isn't about just curating anything; it's about curating the right content that sets you apart as a thought leader in your field, which translates into posting relevant and valuable content.
Check your social media platforms; are your Instagram and Facebook pages identical twins? While it may be tempting to duplicate content across multiple platforms to save time, you should be optimizing content for each platform rather than copying and pasting.
Do your social media accounts show no clear aesthetic tie-in? For Instagram in particular, try establishing a consistent colour palette to make your newsfeed look visually appealing.
Try a new social media platform this year
In addition to the typical Facebook, Twitter, Instagram trinity, try using a new platform that you may have been using sparingly or not at all. Different social platforms offer varied demographics and a new opportunity to define your brand voice. You won't know what works until you try it, so experiment this year.
Image Credit: AdEspresso
Spend time to save time
There are plenty of social media tools out there meant to save you time by helping you schedule and curate content. Whether they are free or paid tools, spend an hour or so of your week researching the newest content management tools to save you time and energy in the long-run.
Now, aren't these better resolutions than giving up donuts for a year?